I'm teaching the kids all about writing a traditional letter. You know, with paper and pencil, and they think Im nuts-o.... crazy hu? I feel like the written language is slowly becoming obsolete and I want the kids to become familiar with going to the Post Office (in any country) to "send" something. I have been able to incorporate addressing an envelope and the importance of writing it down correctly and in the right place of an envelope.

We have some friends that live in Guadalajara, MX that both Leah and JJ received a letter from and so Leah chose to write to them. Leahs postage cost 9 pesos (about .72 cents US)
JJ wrote a letter to his grandma in Oregon and Im interested to see just how long it takes for her to receive it since his letter is traveling the furthest. JJ's cost 11 pesos (about .88 cents U.S)
What a great idea! It's like having a good old fashion pen pal!