Rent 3000 pesos a month = 240.00 US dollars.
3 months of rent required to move in
Internet and cable set up 700 pesos a month
3 bedroom
2 bath
ceiling fans
unfurnished-no appliances completely empty
When we looked at the house we were immediatly taken by the cool colorful walls in rustic reds and burnt oranges, funky tile floors and open patio area. All of those cool things blinded us from what we really should have been looking at...heres the scoop. Sometimes our water just doesnt work for a day. The neighbors say it happens to them as well, the pipes are propably all connected from one house to the other who knows. There is no hot water tank. See, now we thought "no problem, we can just have one put in"...but we still havent done that. No hot water tank = no gas. So yes, we all take cold showers. And it is a bit cold here in the mornings and evenings so cold showers SUCK! The house actually stays pretty cool throughout the day so that makes it comfortable. Open air living spaces means double the mosquito population too. We are getting bit daily, I swear there is a mosquito farm under the house or something. Oh, and I have this really really long bowling ally of a hallway I dislike too.So I just rolled out the cons and thought I better stop being so negative...Pros:
We live super close to the kids schools so walking to school is a breeze, the rent is crazy dirt cheep, I already mentioned the colorful walls and tile floors, Love my outdoor patio. Love my lofty area above the kitchen and the colorful walls...oops I already said that.
So I guess I have learned allot moving into our first unfurnished place in Mexico and the next house I choose I'll be inspecting every nook and cranny I may even consider paying them to let me sleep in the house for a weekend to see how we "feel" in the house....

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