1. I Slept beside: My husband of 14 years
2. Saw me cry: Jeff
2. Saw me cry: Jeff
3. Made me cry: Sis
4. I Went to the moves with: JJ, Leah & Jeff Avitar
5. I Went to dinner with: JJ and Leah - Bubba Gump Shrimp Factory
6. I Talked to on the phone: Marcel Label
7. Said I love you: Jackie (via email, but just as good)
8. Broke my heart: Jeff
9. Made me laugh: JJ
10. I thought about more then 3 times in a day: My mom
11. I borrowed something from: Marcel
12. I text messaged on my phone: Sara G.
13. The last person who told me they loved me......Jeff

Great list! :)