I know when we think of pumpkin pie or pumpkins spices we often remember cold blistery winter days. Recently my dear friend sent me over some Betty Crocker pumpkin spice cookie mix and those didnt last very long on our house. Leah and I are the biggest fans of anything pumpkin!
So yesterday (Sunday) we got to baking! The house smelled so delicious.
Heres a cookie tip for these particular cookies...After mixing your cookies roll them into 1" balls in the palm of your hand and then roll them around in some white sugar. You end up with the prettiest sparkling cookie ever! I also have a bag of gingerbread cookies from my friend Jackie that this would work for too!

What a great idea! My dough was a tad bit sticky, but the cookies still turned out delicious! I broke a couple trying to get them off the cookie sheet, so I just smashed them a little more, put them in a ceral bowl and added milk...heavenly!!!