Our simple weekend in Merida was full of little moments that I will cherish always. Our friends Efrain and Cathleen are from Tixkokob. A puebla east of Merida. They live in a truly charming house just on the outskirts of town and are raising the cutest little ones..Victor is 3 and Laura just turned 1. Cathleen is from Canada and I think she is the only Caucasian in the entire puebla. I really like her, no actually I admire her and her life she is making for herself and her family. She speaks Spanish to me and throws in some English when she senses I'm having difficulties understanding. We had lunch at their house, outside in their garden and then we all were off to the circus. I had no idea we were doing this either. Thats the way things are here though. My Spanish is so broken that I often find myself surprised at what people do next, as if I understood what they were saying....
Tixkokob Plaza
I've never been to a circus here in Mexico, I never had any desire to see the animals do "tricks". I didnt know what to expect and our future vet Leah didnt really enjoy watching the animals get puppeteer-ed around the circus ring either. I have to admit that I was sucked into the lights, music and fear of something going terribly wrong. If anything I watched to make sure that the ring master didnt get eaten by the 8 tigers that surrounded him, each one growling and pawing at him with each snap of the whip.
The clowns made me laugh..I mean the 1 clown. There was a midget who was shaking his booty to Shakira and constantly falling..I laughed and was amused, I kept peeking at my JJ and Leah behind me to see if they were enjoying it, and yup they were clapping and smiling. right along. So we checked that one off our list of first here.

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