Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our Valentines Day

Our 15th Valentines Day together...

My Valentines Gifts to Jeff

This year I took my Valentine to a concert under the stars with two generations of musicians. Mario Blano traditional trova guitarist and his daughter Adriana Martines pianist.
So romantic and with the sun setting in front of us and then the Banderas Bay Stars lit up the sky above us.

Jeff gave me roses, (the yellow one is Leahs from her Daddy) and two very beautiful medal heart artwork pieces. Medal art is soo popular here I love all of it. I want to line my entry way with medal hearts and other metal artwork and call it Corazon Alley..awww


  1. What special gifts you chose for each other!

  2. Oh, how romantic! Thank you for sharing. You guys are always doing something interesting on holidays. That's really nice.



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