Monday, May 31, 2010

Birthday Celebrations

My wonderful husband celebrated his 37th birthday yesterday!

The day started with breakfast burritos, one of his faves! Then we were off for an early walk throgh the islands of Rio Caule. This is one of his most favorite things to do, it has something to do with the beautiful tropical plants the rio.

We ended up coming across massage and of course my honey is a massage junkie. We sent him in for his 60 minute massage and the kids and I went for some icy lemonade at Joe Jacks Fish Shack! Then during his massage I arranged to have his lime cheesecake delivered to the house. Can I just say that Nina make some of the best tropical treats ever! It was hit with everyone..we have lime everything these days.

Okay, back to my huns birthday..after the massage we were off to late lunch early dinner at his choice! And he wanted a big fat juicy burger at The Paradise Burger. OMG so yummy. Sort-of funny thing happened. The parents ordered burger while JJ had his usual shrimp dinner and Leah surprised us all with her choice of BBQ ribs off the adult menu.

After dinner it was back to the house for cake

and gifts and then off to a concert at the Arches on the south end of the melacon.

My trainer sho is also Jeff and JJ's Jeet Kune Do instructor also plays in a band that was performing. It was a great day for Jeff and we were all so lucky to celebrate it with him

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to Jeff! I sent you a message through facebook, don't know if you got it ??? We'll be arriving in PV soon and look forward to seeing you.



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