Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A day with my babies

Well first of, no pictures of our day! Bummer I know. But Jeff has taken the camera with him on his spur of the moment trip. Anyways I was sitting here blog hopping and started to reflect on the day that I had with my two wonderful kid-O-s! We had such a great time. We started our day at Los Muertos beach in old town Vallarta. JJs "girlfriend" showed up to spend the day on the beach with us and so did my dear friend Maritza. The kids jumped off the city pier pretty much all day. Theres nothing like watching my little ones fly through the air and swim around like little fishes in the water! I love watching them play! Maritza and I got some good girl talk time in and her little one played and played! So much fun.

We found ourselves invited to another good friends for dinner. We couldn't refuse pizza night at Marcels. This is like the all time favorite food for both JJ and Leah. Great time catching up and visiting....and in between all of that I was able to reconcile with a dear friend.

Today really was very fulfilling

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