Friday, April 23, 2010

Book Thongs and Felt Things by Mmwa

Do you recall last weekend I attended the new Puerto Vallartas Farmers Market with the girls? Well, starting today I will be selling hand crafted items by mwa.

I inquired about being a vendor and selling my "Book Thongs" which are glorified book marks. Isnt that name too cute? I have to say, they do make any book look fabulous. I also wanted to sell felt gift bags, baskets and little felt critters and creatures.

Well, I found out on Wednesday that I could sell my items on the coming Saturday (Today). OMG is right. .I was quick to get started on production. I had some felt laying around the house, went to the local fabric store Parasinas, (which is also Mexicos fabric chain store sort of like Micheal's in "Gringo-landia) to get some additonal supplies and also the bead store. All day Wed Thur and Friday I was crafting away. Well, between getting kids to school, lessons in the evening, house caring and necessary daily things. I couldn't neglect the Fam-Bam...

But I have to say that all of that work paid off, since I sold most everything. I had two book thongs left, 1 felt gift bag and 3 felt critters. Looks like I found a new hobbie in Vallarta.

My friend Sara came to help

My craft table all set up

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