Thanksgiving day was absolutely wonderful. Besides not having our family from back home we couldn't have hoped for a better day. Cathleen helped me to prepare food along with Jeff who helped chop veggies and Leah who helped me alot as well. She wanted to help with everything, shes going to be a great cook! While I was cooking, Cathleen bought lunch for us and her and the kids ate outside under their orange tree...Their home reminds me of a country cottage. They live at the end of a gravel road lined with 4ft high stone wall that leads you to their home. I love it there. Everything is so fresh, it smells so clean.
After lunch the kids rode bikes and went for walks with their 3 year old son Victor and played hours of board games, I think JJ even went on their roof and flew a kite. I was was so happy to just hear them playing.
After lunch the kids rode bikes and went for walks with their 3 year old son Victor and played hours of board games, I think JJ even went on their roof and flew a kite. I was was so happy to just hear them playing.
We decided to bring all of the food over to Efrains´s mothers house where we met all of his family. I was so nervous about serving our traditional American food, everything was new for them and they didnt know whether the green bean casserole was jalapenos or a pastry, along with the candied yams. As watched as everyone took little bites here and there, smelling and poking the unfamiliar food it was a matter of seconds before I realized I needed to make my plate or I may just not have any of the food.....everyone loved it! I must toot my horn when I can. All I was hearing was "muy rico" We all gathered around the table for hours even after we were all done eating. We were even served pie by JJ and Leah.
Thanksgiving dinner ended around midnight and I really just didnt want it to end. It was such a lovely holiday weekend, one I think we will remember forever. Before the night ended I sat quietly with JJ and Leah outside under the Yucatan stars and asked them what they were thankful for in their lives and here is what they told me...
Thanksgiving dinner ended around midnight and I really just didnt want it to end. It was such a lovely holiday weekend, one I think we will remember forever. Before the night ended I sat quietly with JJ and Leah outside under the Yucatan stars and asked them what they were thankful for in their lives and here is what they told me...
JJ " Im thankful to be eating"
Leah "I´m thankful for a roof over our head"
I have some amazing children....Happy Thanksgiving to you.

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