Our daughter attends a public school here in Merida, she is in a class of 23 students, she is in school from 7am-noon Monday thru Friday. She is offered a computer class, where she tells me they pretty much just play games, a Mayan language class that is too cool and a gym class. Lets focus on gym in-particular.
I was just stepping out of the shower, still dripping wet when I herd the front door open. It was early I wasnt expecting the kids home and Jeff left for an errand. Shit! An intruder...then I heard my daughter faint voice call for "Dad, Mom?" Leah was being walked in by a frined and I noticed she was walking very very slowly. I got some clothes on then went to her only to find out she had a very bad accident at school. She was crying those big tears and could hardly get everything out. The gym teacher decided to lay out broom sticks across the solid concrete courtyard and have the students jump frontwards and backwards over the stick. Leah landed right ontop of that stupid stick her feet went out in front and she landed right on her tail-bone, she didnt catch herself with her hands but instead kissed that hard surface with her derrier , well the bone of it. She blacked out a bit and was in tremendous pain, just thinking about it gives me the weebee geebees. She says she herd cracking noices and her neck and entire back was hurting. The school was on the verge of calling an ambulance, but she told them to just bring her home. The school tried calling us but our cell was turned off. The gym teacher herself drove her home and then asked.."Why did you jump on the broom stick?" What an idiot!
Im worried that she fractured her tail bone and I know there isnt much that can be done but rest, eating lots of fiber food to help with the bathroom and just keeping her comfortable. We are making her a chiropractic appt just to make sure shes all alligned.
Im off to speak to the school tomorrow. I dont know what I think will happen. School systems in Mexico are...hhmmm I dont really know what they are. Public schools are ignored by the government, teachers come and go and a student attending class 2 times a week is common behavior. Most private schools are just glorified public schools. I feel like they are greedy business people using the guilt and pressures of being a parent to charge up the ass for tuitions.

oooohhhh...poor girlie!
ReplyDeleteI damaged my tailbone birthing our last daughter. It was years and years before I could sit for any length of time without it hurting. I can sure relate to her pain. I hope the chiro can get her on the mend. Good luck with the school. It's always a challenge dealing with the school system, no matter the country.
Oh Erica...I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to Leah. Poor thing! That must have been extremely painful! I hope she's doing better. Please keep us posted and tell her we're thinking about her.
ReplyDeleteShes doing much better thanks for your comments ladies, and after i calmed down a bit i realized there was no sense in speaking to the school,its true it was an accident, that could have been prevented but...